The Osona - Lluçanès Commons Network

Photo: Hans de Dalmau

From the Guifi Foundation net we have acquired the commitment to maintain the continuity and improvement of the Internet service through the Open, Free and Neutral Commons Network ofguifi net , whether through radio link or fiber optic.

We want a connected territory, let's eliminate the digital divide!

Let's reconnect to the network, Internet is a right!

How can I connect to the Internet with the Commons Network?

If no provider or operator in the area can offer you services and/or does not have coverage, contact us.

From the Guifi Foundation net , we are looking for the best option you have to access the Internet through the Open, Free and Neutral network of guifi net .

Have I lost my connection via radio link?

If the provider or operator you had contracted for services has left you without connection and infrastructure maintenance, contact us.

From the Guifi Foundation, we have acquired the commitment to continue and improve the service of the existing infrastructure. No one should be left disconnected!

                      Guifi net in Lluçanès...

                      A group of users and administrations from Lluçanès has launched the initiative to renew and continue the maintenance of the signal repeaters and offer an aggregated Internet connection service.

                      From the Foundation, they have received support and advice on budgeting, installation, and configuration of the necessary network operations to ensure that no one is left disconnected from the network.

                      All those individuals, businesses, or administrations who want to access the Internet through the Commons network in Lluçanès:
                      - Can contact the Guifi Foundation to request information and explain their situation.
                      - They will decide whether or not to join the initiative and
                      - They will make a contribution of 20€ each month to the Guifi Foundation for the management, maintenance, and Internet services of the network.

                      Do you have questions? Do you want to be part of the Commons Network?

                      Photo: Hans de Dalmau