Organigrama de la Fundació

In the evolution of the foundation as an entity and to respond to the main areas of functions we are developing, we present the organizational chart of the areas and the people responsible for them. This should allow us to better organize ourselves to achieve our objectives, including promoting and fostering the development of open information and communication networks and infrastructures, with a universal and non-discriminatory vocation among the agents and operators in the sector, enhancing their use in different sectors of society and channeling human and material resources to meet the needs of access to them, an objective aimed at working to guarantee the Right to Access to the Internet.

We encourage you to continue helping us.

La Fundació presenta les seves propostes per a l'avantprojecte de Llei General de Telecomunicacions
The Spanish government opened a process of hearing and public information on the preliminary draft, and objections could be submitted until October 13