Cognom Cognom Nom Memòria d'Activitats 2020 de la Fundació Guifi·net We want to highlight that despite having experienced a year with an exceptional and complicated situation, from Guifi·net Foundation we have continued working to provide broadband Internet access with... Apr 23, 2021 Our Blog
Cusó Coll Clara OFERTA DE FEINA JOB DESCRIPTION: We are looking for a person with legal knowledge to coordinate administrative permits, contracts, and legal defense strategy of the telecommunications model of the Foundatio... Apr 18, 2021 Our Blog
Cognom Cognom Nom Avís de tall de subministrament a Ascó Dear all, From Guifi Foundation net , we want to notify you that due to checks and improvements to the circuit connecting Ascó with the Barcelona Interconnection Point, there will be an Internet suppl... Feb 26, 2021 Our Blog
Cognom Cognom Nom La xarxa Zuntz Optikoa Zumaia, a punt per realitzar les primeres connexions Zuntz Optikoa Zumaia (ZOZ) the project promoted by the Zumaia City Council together with the Guifi· net Foundation to install fiber optic throughout the municipality, achieves the necessary connection... Feb 24, 2021 Our Blog
Cusó Coll Clara El desplegament de Xarxa GRETA arriba a Flix Since last week, the local company, Temon, has been carrying out the deployment work of the fiber optic trunk of the Network GRETA that will connect Ascó and Flix. The network, which aims to provide b... Feb 11, 2021 Our Blog
Cognom Cognom Nom La Xarxa de fibra òptica GRETA avança cap a Flix (Ribera d'Ebre) GRETA Network Website Press Release - Flix, February 3, 2021 Xarxa Optical Fiber Network GRETA advances towards Flix (Ribera d'Ebre) GRETA Network , the fiber optic deployment project promoted by the ... Feb 3, 2021 Our Blog
Cusó Coll Clara El SAX2020 virtual Between October and November the Guifi· net community celebrated the annual meeting Health, Love and Network, SAX2020 , in virtual format, since the pandemic did not allow for an in-person event. The ... Dec 3, 2020 Our Blog
Organigrama de la Fundació In the evolution of the foundation as an entity and to respond to the main areas of functions we are developing, we present the organizational chart of the areas and the people responsible for them. T... Nov 6, 2020 Our Blog
Cusó Coll Clara La Fundació presenta les seves propostes per a l'avantprojecte de Llei General de Telecomunicacions On September 8, 2020, the Spanish government published on the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation website the General Telecommunications Bill Preliminary Draft, initiating the proc... Oct 15, 2020 Our Blog
Cusó Coll Clara Arriba el SAX2020 Com cada any, se celebra la trobada entre totes aquelles persones, empreses operadores, voluntaris, entitats, associacions o administracions que d'alguna manera fan créixer el projecte i que promouen ... Oct 9, 2020 Our Blog
Dalmau Junyent Lluís Mapa dels desplegaments de fibra a França L' Autorité de régulation des communications électroniques, des postes et de la distribution de la presse , l' Arcep , és una autoritat administrativa independent francesa responsable de garantir la r... Oct 5, 2020 Our Blog
Cognom Cognom Nom La fibra òptica comunitària de Guifi·net arriba a Zumaia (País Basc) On September 25th, at the Zumaia Town Hall (Guipúzcoa), the Guifi· net Foundation signed a collaboration agreement with the City Council to start the project of deploying an open, free, neutral, and s... Oct 1, 2020 Our Blog