Presentació al Community-Led Last-Mile Initiatives workshop a Brussel.les

Participem activament a la iniciativa de la Comissió Europea a Brussel·les Community-Led Last-Mile Initiatives workshop

Community Led Last-Mile Initiatives

This workshop is part of EU policy goal to identify innovative solutions for local access, which remains the most difficult network segment to modernise from legacy to state-of-the-art connectivity. It will examine policy (coordination, information), regulatory and/or financial challenges typically faced by small-scale community-led initiatives – be they carried out by local private or public stakeholders – and identify replicable solutions experimented by best practices projects.

More specifically, the workshop's objectives are to:

• start populating an inventory of best-practices community-led initiatives across the EU

• integrate these stakeholders in our platforms of communication (Broadband Europe) and of networking opportunities (B-Day event, European Broadband Award)

• raise the Commission understanding on the types of challenges broadband project promoters do experience in realising community-led initiatives

• identify practical solutions found by the involved actors/entities, be they through regulatory actions or else.

Target audience: representatives of local communities (or other relevant parties) having carried out or intending to carry out local / regional broadband deployment projects in areas where the main telecom operators (incumbent or alternative operators) have failed to meet expectations.

Moderator: Dr. Ir. Wolter Lemstra - Senior Research Fellow at the Department Technology, Policy & Management of the TUDelft, the Netherlands, and Visiting Research Fellow at Aalborg University, Denmark. His research interests are the developments of the telecommunication sector in relation to private sector strategy and government policy, the role of governance regimes and the institutional environment.

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